Friday 17 November 2023

A parcel for New Zealand

Yesterday I wrapped the Christmas presents so that we could post them to New Zealand in plenty of time. It took ages, but I’m pleased with the gifts and I hope that they are enjoyed. James found a suitably sized box and we packed in the presents neatly with some bubble wrap to fill in any spaces, and then he sealed the box thoroughly with a great deal of parcel tape. Then came the paperwork (James did that too; after all I had done all of the wrapping and labelling!) The forms were footery and there was much groaning and complaining from James, who was so exhausted by the time that they were printed out and affixed to the parcel that he had to pour himself a restorative glass of whisky. 
There was a question about Jasmine’s present that I needed to ask Jamie, and a few minutes later he phoned us from New Zealand, where it was morning. He was at home and in the middle of making sourdough bread. He very usefully gave us a demonstration of how to fold it for its second proving (it was a video call) and the three of us had a nice chat. He’s very excited about his new Tesla car, which should arrive in December. 
This morning I took the parcel to a local newsagent which the website had assured us was a pick up point for FedEx. It turned out, after I had humphed the parcel across the road to it, that this information was false, so I decided that I would just drive up to Bellshill to the FedEx depot there. I handed in the parcel and then headed to David Lloyd for my swim. Let’s hope it gets through NZ customs and arrives unscathed at its destination in good time for Christmas. 

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