Sunday 19 November 2023

Hamilton and Bubble Tea

I booked tickets for a second visit to Hamilton the musical for me and my fellow Hamilton Superfan Chanel. At the time of our first visit it was only on in London, but it has now branched out to Edinburgh and Manchester too. I booked tickets for Manchester because that’s where Davie and Chanel were living at the time, but they have now moved to Stirling, so Chanel and I took the train to Manchester and had a night in a Premier Inn. The first train was fine and uncrowded but the second one terminated at Preston due to signal problems and we had to get on a very crowded train for the last leg of our journey. We checked in to our Premier Inn and then went wandering around the Christmas markets which was extremely pleasant. We had doughnuts in Tim Hortons and got some brown sugar bubble tea with tapioca pearls in the Arndale Centre. This is Chanel’s favourite flavour and it was very nice - it was my first ever bubble tea! We found a lovely wee Italian restaurant near the Palace Theatre, but we were getting a bit short of time and weren’t even all that hungry, so we booked supper there for after the show instead. 

Hamilton was fantastic. Chanel thought that it was even better than when we saw it in London and I agree with her. The actors were all brilliant and, seeing it for the second time, I felt that I understood the nuances of the plot better. As a result I was in tears as we left the theatre; Hamilton’s early demise, and that of his son, were just so sad. I cheered up over a delicious supper and discussed the musical before strolling back to the hotel. 

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