Saturday 28 October 2023

Asparagus Risotto

The weather remained dry today so we headed to Corrieshalloch Gorge in the morning to try out the new path to the falls from the visitor centre. It is better than the old one, a bit longer and through pleasant woodland with the river descending over a series of small falls towards the main event. The Gorge surprises me every time with how deep it is; from one side of the bridge the drop is fairly dramatic, but from the other side you can see the water plummeting to rocks hundreds of feet below. We spurned the outdoor café at the visitor centre (why did they not plan an indoor café which would have been more appropriate for the majority of the Scottish year?) and returned to Ullapool where we walked along the front, did a bit of shopping and had a pleasant lunch in the Cult Café. 
Later James made his delicious asparagus risotto and we all watched Strictly Come Dancing, of which Heather and Ewan have always been fans, as have I. I used to love watching it with Grandma but since she died I haven’t seen it much because James isn’t keen on it. In fact I haven’t seen any episodes this year. So I was thrilled to get the chance to watch the show and thoroughly enjoyed it. A very pleasant evening in front of the fire. 

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