Sunday 29 October 2023

The Game of Life

Heavy rain arrived as expected this morning but we were not downhearted and went to the Kylescu Hotel for lunch. Despite the dreich weather we enjoyed the autumnal colours of the mountains on our way north. The loch at Kylescu was choppy and a churned up turquoise colour that was quite spectacular. The lunch was very tasty, and we benefited from the slightly lower prices resulting from their bad publicity on social media earlier this year! It was still pricey, but an excellent meal. On the way back to Ullapool we saw quite a few deer on the lower slopes of the hills and then suddenly came across a stag and a doe grazing right beside the road. They were beautiful and since there was no other traffic on the road we stopped the car to take a few photos. The stag lifted his head, four points on each antler, and looked at us calmly while munching away, his jaw going from side to side. We relaxed beside the fire before enjoying a pleasant evening including playing the Game of Life Board Game with much hilarity. For the record, Ewan won the Game of Life! 

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