Wednesday 11 October 2023

Northern Renaissance Art Course

Back in Scotland the first thing we noticed was that the temperature was about 12 degrees cooler. However the heavy rain and flooding that we had accidentally avoided by going to London for the weekend was gone, replaced by pale blue skies and sunshine. On Wednesday we went to our art class; Northern Renaissance Art. I love it but am finding it rather hard to get my head around. Every time I think that I have a grasp of it, the keen young lecturer throws in a fact that contradicts my impressions. I suppose that it’s more complex than I thought! Our first class was in the Boyd Orr building but we have now been moved to the St Andrews Building, which I like because it has many happy teaching course memories for me. I’m not kidding, I met some lovely people there. There are some lovely wee cafés around there, the best known of which is the Eusebi Deli. I used to go there with Jackie, so I felt a bit sad at first when we went in there for an early lunch on Wednesday. She loved it there; Jackie really enjoyed finding new places to eat but she will never have the leisure of retirement to explore more. Lunch was delicious and so handy to nip across the road for our art course. We’re beginning to get to know the faces; some people are very knowledgeable already and have visited most if not of all the art galleries and churches in Europe containing Northern Renaissance Art. My favourite classmate is Bruce, a very clever elderly man who asks lots of questions but in such a mumble (could be for medical reasons) that our poor lecturer struggles to understand him. The look on his face is priceless as he tries to pick out words from Bruce’s lengthy questions. Then he says “Good point, yes we’re going to cover that shortly!” 

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