Monday 9 October 2023

Chanel and Abba

We arrived bright and early at the V&A just after 9 a.m. this morning. A bit too early in fact, because the museum didn’t open until 10 a.m! Nothing daunted, we had coffee and pastries at a nice wee café just along the road. At 10 we joined the short queue and on admission we went straight to the Chanel exhibition. I had cleverly booked this months ago, and this was confirmed by overhearing a lady asking a museum official about it and being told that the exhibition is fully booked until the end of its run. We both enjoyed the exhibition, and due to watching many seasons of The Great British Sewing Bee we appreciated the skill of the design and the precision of the sewing. 
We met up with Gordon, Sheena and Peter at Figo, an Italian restaurant in Stratford shopping centre and had a very nice meal and chat. Then it was on to the show, Abba Voyage. I had heard good things about this concert, with the members of Abba represented by avatars. It surpassed all of my expectations. At first I wasn’t sure if the figures on the stage were avatars, because they looked so realistic. It was surreal! The technology is absolutely amazing. Only in close up on the big screens did I notice, and only a little bit, that the expressions on the faces were maybe a little too smooth and perfect. But it was at least 99% realistic. The audience, who were very much of our own demographic, were extremely enthusiastic, and the concert was sold out. In fact Sheena said that she heard it is sold out until at least Christmas. The whole experience was fantastic and I think that all five of us felt the same; at the end we were discussing it in amazement. What a great evening. As a bonus we had a very short journey back to the Premier Inn at Westferry. 

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