Monday 16 October 2023

Friends and family

I met up with a few old friends last week. Old in length of friendship rather than in age I hasten to say. I had a very pleasant coffee with Jennifer G in Starbucks at Kingsgate on Wednesday and we had a good chat and caught up on lots of news. Then on Thursday I met up with my lovely school friends in Zizzi’s as usual. Now that we are all in our sixties some of the chat is about engagements and marriages of our children, and even grandchildren - Wendy has a grandchild and another on the way, and Libby has a grandchild on the way. How our lives move on. 
On Friday I had lunch with Philippa at the Dandelion Café. It was great to see her and she was telling me all about Mhairi’s wedding. It sounded like a wonderful day for Mhairi, I had already seen a lot of the photos online and she was a beautiful bride. 
And then on Sunday it was family time; Davie and Chanel came for lunch. James decided to make roast beef with all the trimmings and he made a lovely job of it; he even made his own Yorkshire pudding and horseradish sauce. The horseradish sauce was so hot that it nearly took the top of our heads off! It was a happy and convivial afternoon. 

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