Saturday 7 October 2023

Still summer in London

James flew down to London on Friday as planned but I booked a new flight for this morning so that I could keep an eye on Floof for a bit longer until our heroes Davie and Chanel arrived to look after her for the weekend. The weather in Scotland and around Glasgow has been getting increasingly rainy to the point that there are now yellow weather warnings for much of the area. As I set off by taxi to the airport this morning there were huge puddles across the roads, and from what I have seen on news and social media website this continued to become more severe until roads were blocked by floods and there were overflowing rivers and landslips. So it felt particularly strange to arrive in a warm (24 degrees) and sunny London, it was as if I had travelled back in time to summer. Luckily I had checked the weather forecast and I have packed summer dresses! I met up with James, Ally and Cat at the Munich Cricket Club, a German pub and restaurant in Canary Wharf and we had lunch sitting outside. Then we went back to Ally and Cat’s flat where I saw their completed kitchen and living room floor - what a difference! The flat is so very nearly finished and it looks fantastic. We also sat out on their balcony overlooking the river; such amazing views. Later, after a lovely tapas dinner in the little Andalusia Restaurant, we went to the Harold Pinter Theatre to see Mark Rylance in Dr Semmelweis. It was very intense and moving. I really enjoyed it and so did Ally and Cat. James was not so convinced. It happened to be the very last performance of the run and the cast were quite emotional and Mark Rylance made a wee speech thanking everyone. After we left the theatre we walked to Bank Underground Station in the warm evening that was just like summer, I think that it’s unseasonably warm even for London.

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