Friday 26 January 2018

Back to Alta Badia

The weather was supposed to deteriorate today, but guess what? It was another beautiful sunny day with great snow. Ewan guided us over to the Alta Badia area where there were some long, easy Blue runs which were great for my speed and confidence. My favourite today had to be runs 9 and 11 (which were actually one big long run) down towards San Cassiano. The scenery was breathtaking and the skiing was fast and fun. A few times, strongly encouraged by me, the others would ski a nearby Black run and then rejoin me. This went very smoothly and meant that James, Ewan and Heather had the chance to really let loose. All three of them are extremely good skiers and have been very supportive and encouraging to me all week; as a result I have skied probably the best I ever have (although I have lots to improve on!)
Ewan has expertly and enthusiastically guided us around the valleys of the Dolomites for all six days, which has allowed us to make the most of skiing this vast area. Heather has discreetly kept an eye on me to check that I'm getting on ok, and showed me the best way down steep or bumpy slopes. It has been a wonderful holiday. After another lovely lunch (yes, dumplings again!) we made our way back to Arabba. On the last day of a ski holiday I always feel a certain sense of relief when everyone is safely off the mountain, but I also felt sad when we handed back our hired skis and went for a farewell drink at Peter's Bar.

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