Friday 19 January 2018

Burns Supper in the frozen north

After my disastrous attempt at skiing at Cairngorm, I met up with the others back at the hostel in Newtonmore for our annual Burns supper. They had all enjoyed their snowy walks; Cornel had accompanied Ally, Cat and James to Beinn Teallach. The Burns Supper was being held a bit early this year due to the date of the weekend having been changed. Bob provided a delicious broccoli soup as our starter, and then us Andersons swung into action with the main course. This was of course haggis, neeps and tatties. I had mashed the potatoes and turnip in advance so we only had to cook the haggis. Ally and Cat efficiently helped us to heat everything up and serve it out, and it was greeted with great enthusiasm. I had found some whisky cream sauce in a shop in Aviemore which went well with the haggis. Next was Kenny's delicious trifle, which prompted James to tell one of his favourite jokes, which he never tires of repeating! * Justin had brought a cheese board but by then most of us were too full to try it, which sadly often happens! A variety of whiskies were then produced and sampled. It was a most convivial evening. 

* Two men are staggering through the desert, almost dying of thirst. As they climb over a sand dune they see in front of them some market stalls. They crawl to the first stall and ask for some water but the vendor says "I'm afraid we only sell sponge, jelly, custard, and hundreds-and-thousands". So, the men crawl to the next stand and ask for water. The stall owner replies "Sorry, but I only have custard, sponge, jelly and hundreds-and-thousands". They crawl to the final stand and ask, in desperation, for water. The store holder tells the men "I only sell jelly, sponge, custard, and hundreds-and-thousands".
The two men set off into the desert once more, in search of water. As they are crawling from the market one man turns to the other and says "Is it just me, or did you find that a trifle bazaar?" 

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