Saturday 20 January 2018

Arrived at Arabba

Well, the past week has flown by and here we are at Arabba in the Dolomites, at the start of our ski holiday. The holiday actually started yesterday, with a hair-raising drive through to Edinburgh in heavy snow after work. With a 7 a.m. flight this morning, we had followed Heather and Ewan's lead in staying overnight at an airport hotel so that the early start would not be quite so brutal. We left early because of the bad forecast and James did a grand job of getting us to Edinburgh Airport safely. We checked in to the Hilton and then took the tram into the west end of Edinburgh where we met Heather, Ewan - and Andrew, who joined us for the evening - for a tasty meal at Wildwood.
Back at the Hilton I got a good five and a half hours of sleep (unlike James who woke too early!) and the four of us soon boarded our flight to Verona.
All went smoothly until our coach to Arabba was diverted to pick up some passengers from another coach which had broken down. This added nearly two hours to our journey, but as we discussed later, these things happen, it was nobody's fault, and sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Anyway the scenery was spectacular as the coach made its way up the zig-zag road into the mountains.
The usual ski holiday routine of hiring our skis went smoothly, in fact we were very lucky to arrive just before a big group of people so we didn't have to wait at all. Our hotel is really top notch, very Tyrolean with lots of wooden carvings, a roomy and very comfortable bar, and very smart rooms. Our dinner was excellent, with lots of choice and the food beautifully presented. After a nightcap we are ready for bed, tired after our travel day, and very glad to be here. 

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