Wednesday 24 January 2018

Sella Ronda again!

I am delighted to say that we have completed the Sella Ronda for the second time today - this time clockwise! I am so pleased because I didn't think that I would manage it even once this week, let alone twice. The weather was still sunny, with not a cloud in the blue sky, and the views were just as spectacular going the other way. I managed to fall over on a fairly steep slope, which in itself was not a problem; I wasn't hurt at all. However I then made a very foolish mistake (which I do not intend ever to repeat.) Even though my skis were pointing correctly across the piste, I decided that it would be easier just to take them off in order to stand up, to save myself the trouble of awkwardly pushing myself up onto my feet while still wearing the skis. As soon as I did so, one of my skis started sliding down the hill on its side, and more alarmingly, I started sliding fast down the hill too; my boots just couldn't get a grip on the snow! To make matters worse, I wasn't sliding straight down - this would have been ok because the slope became more level lower down - I was sliding towards the edge of the piste and I had no idea what vertiginous slope might await me there.
However help quickly arrived in the form of the very friendly Lou and Lola from London. They retrieved my scattered poles and sticks, and stood below me to assist me in putting on my skis again. After that I could ski down fine but I was annoyed with myself for being so silly.
Not long afterwards I had another fall, but again there was no harm done and Heather and Ewan helped me to get my mojo back by planning an easy blue route into Selva. This really built up my confidence again. In the interests of honesty I should probably mention that I also knocked over a man who was standing at the edge of a mogul covered piste after lunch; I apologised profusely and blamed it on tired legs! Despite these few careless mishaps it was still another brilliant day!
We also had yet another fantastic lunch, this time at Boé Alpine Lounge, just a couple of runs away from our return to Arabba. Heather and Ewan described it as resembling the mountain lair of a Bond villain, and it did have that look! Inside it is beautifully decorated with close grained high mountain pine wood and has a warm feel. We were about to order from the self service counter when we noticed that there is also a dining room. We got a table right at the window with amazing views back over towards Corvara. In the distance we could see the Austrian Alps. I had .... dumplings of course! But these dumplings were really special; in fact they were the best that I have ever tasted. They had cheese in them, and were light and fluffy. I was also given some delightful apple juice made from local apples called Jonagold.
Back at the hotel I let the jacuzzi gently pummel my tired muscles before dinner. 

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