Saturday 6 January 2018


Distrustful of public transport, and reluctant to take the time to walk, I usually drive everywhere. However, spurred on by the demands of my new Apple Watch, I decided to do my Friday errands on foot in order to burn some calories. So I walked from the doctor's surgery to fill my prescription at the pharmacy, and then continued all the way to the other end of the Main Street to the Post Office to send a package to Jamie in New Zealand. To my surprise, I found my perambulations a to be very pleasant, apart from having to brave the clouds of smoke issuing from the small crowds of smokers who were hunched against the cold outside every pub. I had time to look around me and even spontaneously popped into the butcher's where I bought a steak pie and a piece of Clootie Dumpling for Grandma. *
When I retraced my steps I saw ominously flashing blue lights ahead. Ambulances were speeding towards what looked like quite a nasty car accident which had just happened across from the doctor's. I was annoyed at the increasing amount of people who were gathering to stare ghoulishly at the scene, so I strode past without rubbernecking. I did however check the Scottish news later and was glad that there was no mention of the accident, which indicated that there were no fatalities or even serious injuries. #
I am enjoying using my Apple Watch to track my fitness goals and I'm certainly finding it very motivating. It has only been six days since I started using it, but so far so good.

* The Clootie Dumpling was a huge success and Grandma pronounced it to be "just like home made!"
# Unfortunately I was wrong about this - I was sorry to learn the next day that a motorcyclist had been killed.

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