Monday 1 January 2018

Happy New 2018

Here we are on New Year's Day 2018. James is preparing the traditional gammon joint for our New Year's Day lunch with Grandma, and Ally has just taken Cat to the airport for her flight back to London.
We had an excellent time on Hogmanay at the Grove in Lenzie, with Heather and Ewan. This involved a three course dinner accompanied by a singer (a girl with a beautiful voice), followed by the opportunity for some energetic dancing leading up to the bells - and dance we did. I hadn't been sure what to wear, and was glad that I chose my black and red dress, because everyone was dressed smartly for the occasion. The food was really good - I think that I would describe it as Italian / Scottish - and the service by the young, pleasant waiters and waitresses was very efficient. After dinner Ewan took James and me upstairs to show us the bar area and who did we happen to meet there but Graham and Nicky, who were celebrating the New Year with their children! They joined us in the restaurant and we all brought in the New Year together, singing along with Auld Lang Syne and Runrig's version of Loch Lomond. It was a very happy evening; celebratory but also relaxed - it was just right!
Later on, or should I say early - because it was by now the early hours of the 1st - we collected Ally and Cat as requested from the party that they were attending in Thorntonhall, and we arrived home at about 2 a.m. The roads were surprisingly busy; probably with people who, like us, were on their way home after the celebrations. I was very tired when I went to bed but felt strangely wakeful. This was due in part to my full tummy but also I felt quite thoughtful about what the New Year will bring. James doesn't feel that the 1st January is any different from any other day when it comes to making a fresh start, but I have always felt that there is something special about the New Year; "Out with the old, and in with the new"- it's a chance to celebrate our survival of another year, to take stock and to resolve to do better going forward - hence resolutions. My resolutions this year have to be to improve my health and fitness - let's see what happens! 

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