Monday 1 December 2014

Box Set

And so we are in December, I can't believe how the time has flown past this autumn! This evening James and I indulged ourselves by watching not one but TWO episodes of Breaking Bad on DVD. We know some people who admit  to (in fact relish) occasionally having sat down to three episodes in a row of this excellent series but they shall remain nameless. We are now on Series 4 and it is as addictive as ever. Rather an apt adjective now I come to think of it. 
I don't know why it's so good exactly - there is a strong plot with twists and turns, interesting (although flawed) characters, fine acting, a touch of comedy to leaven the dark subject matter - it all adds up to quality drama. A good box set for the winter nights is very satisfactory. I think I'll go for three episodes tomorrow evening if we start early!

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