Sunday 30 November 2014

The joy of FaceTime

It has been a very pleasant weekend - both fun and useful. After yesterday's Christmas shopping trip with Grandma I survived my hair-raising bus journey home (James had driven Grandma home earlier) and we went over to Heather and Ewan's for dinner. We had such a relaxed evening and chatted about all sorts of things - I was very glad to be there in their beautiful home. They also made us an absolutely delicious dinner, yum.
Today was a whirlwind of housework and admin, which I am usually reluctant to start but find strangely satisfying. Grandma came round for tea and then (after the Strictly Come Dancing results show) we all FaceTimed Ally and Cat, who are spending a week in Gdansk. FaceTime is amazing - Ally and Cat were able to show us around the apartment they have rented and even the view from the window. It was as if we were right there in the room with them! We FaceTime Ally at least weekly and Poland is not by any means the furthest venue from which they have Skyped or FaceTimed but I still find it fascinating. Grandma enjoys it too and was full of questions about what they are up to. They told us that it is extremely cold there just now! They will be visiting churches and a Christmas market tomorrow.  

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