Sunday 9 November 2014

South River Blues in the West End

Jamie is home for the weekend and we are going round some car showrooms with him today - boring but quite relaxing as we are currently having a coffee and watching the Remembrance Day ceremony on a large screen while Jamie is out having a test drive.  
Yesterday was a pleasant day. James was away hill walking and I had a useful morning (housework, admin, carpet fitter, curtain measurer) before heading into town for a shopping trip with Grandma since she enjoyed our trip to Jenners in Edinburgh a few weeks ago. First we went to the interior designer at John Lewis to sign off the orders for the lounge, then we had a browse around the store and Grandma did a wee bit of Christmas shopping. We saw the much talked about new John Lewis Christmas advert which was being broadcast in various screens around the store to smiling crowds of shoppers. After hearing colleagues going on about how great it was I was prepared to be quite cynical and unmoved, however I have to admit that it is very good and the ending brought a tear to my eye - apparently the store has sold out of toy penguins! We had a nice cup if tea in the café and Grandma told me how much she enjoys having someone to go shopping with; we arranged another date in a couple of weeks.
After tea, James, Jamie, Davie and I went to The Dram in Woodlands Road, where a friend of mine was playing with his band, the South River Blues Band. It was great, and David was really brilliant on the saxophone. They played blues but also rock and other stuff - near the end there was a medley of The Doors songs which was excellent. Jamie and Davie enjoyed it too - it was nice going out with our boys!
Talking of our boys, our Oslo boy Ally is horrified by the tartan curtains that I have ordered for the lounge (I emailed him a picture!) heh heh I think it will look great!

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