Wednesday 5 November 2014

Missing Jack

Ironically I am missing Jack on his least favourite night of the year. He hated fireworks - although, strangely, only for the latter half of his life. When he was young he would go out and in the cat flap quite unconcerned on bonfire night. But I can only suppose that something gave him a fright because one year he came in trembling with fear and hid in the hall cupboard, which became his preferred place whenever he heard fireworks. Last November he was an old chap and almost completely deaf, but he could still hear the loudest bangs and was very miserable about it. However by New Year he evidently couldn't hear the fireworks at all. He went strolling out of the cat flap in a relaxed fashion, despite the loud bangs and whooshes of fireworks all around. However once he was outside he must have seen the bright explosions of the fireworks in the sky and came rushing back in, wide eyed and horrified!
He was such a honey, and of course I miss him on bonfire night, because I miss him every day. 

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