Sunday 26 October 2014

Tranquility in Tring

I am at Heathrow Airport waiting for my flight home after a lovely spa weekend with Jennifer. I spent Friday night in the Smith household where we dined on delicious slow cooked lemon chicken. It was very nice to see Russell, Josh and Ben, and I tried to make up for being a neglectful auntie by being a generous one! I hope they will remember me fondly when I am dead!
The next morning we went on a dog walk with gorgeous Angus; the countryside where Jennifer lives is beautiful and we went up a hill from which we could see the roof of Chequers among the trees. Angus is such a sweetie and his happy demeanour reminded me of the westies of my childhood - Mandy and Judy. When I tripped and fell down in the woods he rushed over to try to help me by licking my face - that got me on my feet in record time! 
It was a beautiful day and continued to be warm and sunny when we arrived at Champneys in Tring. Champneys is an attractive red brick former stately home and after checking in and exploring we found ourselves sitting outside drinking coffee, attired in our cossies, bathrobes and slippers. It was great to sit on the terrace overlooking the gardens and I could feel myself relaxing.
We made full use of the facilities; gym, swimming pool, and our favourite - the outside jacuzzi. Jennifer and I never run out of things to talk about and we chatted and laughed for the whole weekend.
We also each had a body wrap and a facial which were absolutely blissful. You don't have to dress up for dinner but Jennifer and I had both brought dresses and we looked very lovely if I say so myself. And we had tried so many spa products that we certainly smelled very lovely! Dinner was on the healthy side but very tasty, and after coffee in the lounge we were so exhausted that we went straight to bed. 
This morning flew by. Fortified by a large (but healthy) breakfast we had more treatments, swam, jacuzzied and relaxed - excellent. Jennifer has persuaded (well, almost persuaded) me to try an app called the couch to 5K challenge. I can do the couch bit with no problem! 
And all too soon it was time to set off back home. It was a great spa weekend but seeing Jennifer (and her three boys) was the best bit.

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