Wednesday 15 October 2014

Bananas and Butterflies

I'm sitting under a banana tree in Kusadasi sipping a cool drink. It's hot here, and James and I are a bit overheated after going for a decent length of walk out to Bird Island and then further on uphill for views back to the town. 
I don't know if Autumn is butterfly season here but our walk was enhanced by lots of beautiful patterned white butterflies flitting around. I'm very fond of Kusadasi and we have chosen to spend the day wandering around the town rather than embark on one of the (no doubt excellent) archaeological tours that are on offer. I would definitely like to revisit Ephesus some time, I believe that more buildings have been unearthed recently. Maybe next cruise! 
So after we have cooled down and finished our drinks we will head into to bazaar where we may buy a genuine fake something!  

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