Tuesday 14 October 2014

Lunch in Plaka

Athens was hot today! After a relaxing and extremely pleasant day at sea yesterday (reading, swimming, gym, more reading, people-watching and eating) we arrived this morning into the port of Piraeus. 
It's only two years since our previous visit to Athens, which was also on a cruise, so the route and landmarks were very familiar as we travelled by coach to the Acropolis. It's a big city (about four and a half million people I think) and fairly flat apart from half a dozen small but steep hills sticking up among the white buildings. On one of these hills is the Acropolis, where we spent some time wandering around; it was lovely to see the Parthenon and the other temples again on this beautiful day. Then we went shopping in Plaka, the old quarter below the Acropolis. The narrow streets there are very attractive and it didn't feel like we were in the middle of a large city. We found the lovely restaurant, Diogenes, where we had lunch two years ago, and had a relaxing lunch of tsatsiki and stuffed vine leaves sitting on the shady terrace.


  1. A restaurant named after the founder of cynicism! Tremendous! Was the place barrel shaped? Did the waiters bark?

    Love, Ewan

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