Sunday 12 October 2014

Pearl of the Adriatic

Lord Byron called Dubrovnik the Pearl of the Adriatic and I can see why. It is a really beautiful town and the medieval city inside its stout (and still complete) walls is absolutely stunning. And pedestrianised, which makes it very pleasant to walk in.
The buildings are pale limestone with red terracotta tiled roofs. There's plenty to see; churches and museums, nice shops and (allegedly) the oldest Pharmacy in Europe. Today however we were so enjoying the warm weather that we stayed outside the whole time. As soon as we arrived we climbed up steep stone steps at the Pile Gate to the top of the wall and walked all the way round, pausing frequently to admire the views and take photos. I was also very impressed with the cleanliness of the town; no litter, no graffiti and the toilets in the café we visited were pristine. After descending from the wall we strolled down the Stradun which is the main street, and we had a drink sitting outside the Poklisar Café (with the nice clean toilets!) which was in a very picturesque spot under the wall beside the harbour. As we continued our perambulations we saw lots of equally well appointed cafés and restaurants; I would love to spend more time here and James agreed that a return visit would definitely be a good idea.  

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