Monday 15 December 2014

Purr purr purr

The kittens already have distinctive characters. Tom is the hunter - he loves chasing and pouncing on a squeaky mouse toy on a string, whereas Ruby doesn't really know how to tackle it yet. Ruby is the explorer - she followed me all the way upstairs this evening while Tom skittishly jumped about on the lower steps. They are very very sweet.
David has decided that Tom's middle name is "Bombadil" I suggested that "Slippers" would be a good middle name for Ruby but David wants it to be "Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby" after the song. Now that's just silly.
We had a fantastic day in Edinburgh yesterday with David, Jamie and Aisling. Stockbridge is really nice, like a village in the city, with lots of shops, cafés and restaurants. We had lunch in the Scran and Scally which I loved - the food was something special and the service and atmosphere were great. James asked for the bill only to find that Jamie had already paid it! We were both grateful and very excited that our grown up son was treating us! 
Before we headed home we visited the gorgeous Stockbridge Market which has all sorts of very upmarket food and crafts, and had a coffee in Jamie and Aisling's pristine flat (I don't remember Jamie's room at home ever being that tidy!) 
When Grandma came for tea we watched the Strictly Come Dancing results show, something that Grandma and I both enjoy.

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