Saturday 27 December 2014


It has been a peaceful, family Christmas, and I can't ask for better than that. The kittens got a great deal of attention on Christmas morning from their cousins Jenny, Neil and Lucy at our traditional festive gathering. Tom and Ruby also have a new kitten cousin called Millie, who looks very like Ruby!
We have dined royally, exchanged gifts which touched me with their thoughtfulness, gone for bracing walks around the neighbourhood, visited friends and played with the kittens. 
This morning, sadly, I attended the funeral of a friend who has died too young. I can only imagine the feelings of his wife and his daughter, who is a good friend of Jamie. At the funeral I ran into quite a few friends that I haven't seen for a while. I have semi-deliberately kept a low profile due to the difficulties of the past year but it is a shame because they are really nice people. I am fortunate that they keep reaching out to me, in fact I don't deserve their kindness. We parted vowing to meet up soon. I would like to believe that I will do so.

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