Thursday 11 December 2014

Happy kitty, sleepy kitty

This evening the kittens have been full of fun and rampaging around the back room. They were playing with a cardboard box; hiding in it, jumping in and out of it, pouncing on each other around it. Tom is the bigger kitten and very playful but Ruby gives as good as she gets; she loves to jump on Tom's back. And they also love to snuggle up together when they nap, they are so sweet.
I'm glad that they are not allowed outside yet because the weather has been cold and a bit wild. A huge dark storm cloud completely covered the sky yesterday afternoon and there was amazing thunder and lightning outside my office window, then afterwards the cloud rolled away leaving blue sky! Such a contrast! This morning there was a dusting of snow on the fields like icing sugar and the wind was cutting.
But Tom and Ruby are snug inside for their first winter. 

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