Tuesday 23 December 2014

The Christmas lights are switched off

On Sunday James and I met up with Heather and Ewan for our traditional Christmas lunch. I have blogged before about how much this means to me. 2014 has had some very good times but also some very difficult times for me and I appreciate the support of family and close friends more than I could ever express. This year's lunch venue was Jamie Oliver's in George Square and the meal was absolutely delicious. It was busy with families but the service was still good. Our afternoon continued at the Metropolitan which has a great atmosphere especially at this time of year; I saw my cousin's son Greg expertly shaking cocktails behind the bar and I went over for a chat with him. There he was, all grown up and handsome; it seems no time at all since he was a baby. Heather and I went for a stroll round the craft stalls in the indoor Christmas market; the quality of the jewellery and art work was excellent. Later on Ally, Cat, Davie and Andrew all joined us for drinks and our festive afternoon morphed into a festive early evening!
At one point earlier on we had noticed that the Christmas lights were not yet on in George Square although the dreich afternoon was beginning to deepen into early twilight on the shortest day. As if on cue, the lights came on a few minutes later. 
Tonight however there are no Christmas lights on in George Square. They have been switched off as a mark of respect for the six people who died there this afternoon, run over by an out of control bin lorry. I presume that the poor driver had suffered some sort of heart attack. I first heard the news by text from Jennifer and the first thing I did was phone Ally, Cat and Davie who I knew were all Christmas shopping in town. Thank goodness they were all ok. 
But I can't imagine what the bereaved families and the injured people must be going through. That's not the only sad news I have heard this week and it made me think that it's time to get things into proportion in my life and count my blessings.

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