Tuesday 16 December 2014

Odysseus the ironing mat

About six weeks ago I bought an ironing mat for Alasdair to use in Norway with his little travel iron. He had been using a folded towel upon which to iron his shirts, but this was a bit unsatisfactory, resulting in the purchase of said ironing mat.
I duly parcelled it up, addressed it to Ally in Oslo, and David took it to the post office to send it on its way.
However it did not arrive at its destination. As days turned into weeks Alasdair commented from time to time on its non arrival, speculating that I must have addressed it wrongly and casting aspersions on David's and my ability to perform such a simple task as sending a small parcel. Gradually we all forgot about it.
Until today! The ironing mat has arrived at Ally's flat in Oslo with a sticker on it which says "Mis-sent to Thailand". How strange is that? What a long journey that little ironing mat has been on; if only it could tell us its adventures! 

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