Friday 5 October 2018

The end of a visit

I love to read and I enjoy both of my book clubs very much. This evening I arrived late at my Cambuslang book club because I had been taking Jamie to the airport for his return to New Zealand. I will not dwell on this as I found it rather difficult; I realise that I’m so lucky in these days of modern communication that I will be able to chat to him face to face via my computer screen any time I like - but it’s not the same as having him right here and being able to give him a hug. So it was with a heavy heart that I watched him walking away down to security, turning just before he disappeared round the corner to give us a final wave.
Just as well that I went to my book club, because pleasant company and book chat were just the distraction that I needed. As is our wont at this time of year we were discussing our summer holiday reading, and I got some good recommendations of books to read. On my way home I reflected on how bereft I sometimes feel when I finish a book that I have really enjoyed. I get so involved with the characters and story that I don’t want it to end. I felt that recently with Cloudstreet, although when it has a good ending there is also a sense of satisfaction. 
Similarly, I feel really sad that this lovely visit from Jamie has come to an end - but it has been a marvellous three weeks. 

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