Saturday 20 October 2018

Doggie heaven

Pooley Bridge is definitely doggie heaven! I have never seen so many families with their dogs as I have at this friendly little resort at the east end of Ullswater in the Lake District. There were lots of dogs on the ferry to Glenridding this morning, from where James and I then walked about 12 km to Howton. Needless to say, there were lots of pooches on the ferry back to Pooley Bridge too, all enjoying the fresh air with their families, and very interested in each other too. And in the bar at the Pooley Bridge Hotel, where we are spending the weekend, there is a dog under just about every table. They are provided with cushions by their people (I won’t say owners because I have a feeling that it’s the other way round!) fed with snacks, and generally admired. Occasionally there is a brief outburst of yapping but generally these pampered pooches are extremely well behaved.

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