Saturday 6 October 2018

Kilt Saga

I derive a great deal of satisfaction from successfully completing a task, especially one that has been on my “to do” list for a while. An example of this took place recently when Ally asked me to make an appointment for him to get his kilt altered; someone had told him that it is too long.* So I phoned the family kilt makers (who have been making kilts for the Andersons for three generations) and they said that he could pop in that weekend to get it checked. So far so good, but it reminded me that we had an unresolved kilt issue that had been annoying me for a couple of years. When David had his kilt made, it wasn’t quite right; it sat wrongly at the front. We contacted the shop but then I kind of lost track of what was arranged, meanwhile David has continued to use the faulty kilt. I should have chased it up but life was busy and I never got round to it. As it happened, David was due to come home the same weekend that Ally was sorting out his kilt, so I leaped into action and arranged for him to bring his kilt with him and accompany Ally. I wanted to go with them but they pointed out that I really wasn’t needed now that they are both in their twenties!
When they returned home they had excellent news. David had explained that his kilt had never fitted properly and the tailor said “Is your name David Anderson?” and produced a brand new kilt which had been awaiting him in the shop for more than three years! I cannot describe the delight that this result brought me! I was considerably more excited about the outcome than anyone else in the family. So this may seem like a very trivial thing to blog about - but it made me very happy!

* Ally’s kilt turned out not to be too long and James joked that whoever told him that must wear their kilt at mid thigh length!

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