Wednesday 17 October 2018

Eye infirmary encounter

Grandma and I are quite the regulars at her monthly eye appointments. I have learned to arrange them for the afternoon if possible because she worries about morning appointments in case she isn’t ready in time. Although she has carers to help her to get dressed in the morning and make her breakfast so she really would be ready as long as the appointment isn’t too early! All the same, if she has a morning appointment she doesn’t sleep properly the night before and tends to get up way too early to attempt to get ready by herself, and this means that she is exhausted and upset by the time I come to pick her up.
So I have learned that afternoons go much better, and after the appointment (which often involves a scary eye injection) we usually celebrate with a cup of tea in the hospital café. The hospital is in East Kilbride so nine times out of ten I run into a former colleague or pupil. Tuesday was no exception and I was chatting to a lovely lady whose agency worked closely with mine, and with whom I had shared many a challenging adventure. We reminisced briefly about “the old days” and congratulated each other on our retirement.

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