Sunday 14 October 2018

An unwelcome gift

After the amazingly sunny and warm five days that we enjoyed in northern France and Belgium, we arrived home to a very rainy Scotland. Yesterday we stuck close to home as it rained constantly, (apart from going round to Marjory and Forrest’s for a delicious curry and a convivial evening) but today the weather is rather fine in an autumnal way - although quite chilly. I’m glad that we have put the winter duvet on the bed; th autumn is definitely further on here. In Belgium the trees were in their full array of red, gold and yellow, but due to stormy weather in Scotland last week, many leaves have now fallen from the trees and James and Ally are both out in the garden raking them up just now. Ally has also cleared all the leaves from the gutters, and as I watched horrified from the window he leaped agilely from the back room’s roof to the grass below, landing as lightly as Tom Cat would.
I have been doing a bit of tidying for Alison and Hugh’s imminent arrival. It’s funny how our normal level of cleanliness- which I like to think is perfectly acceptable - suddenly seems a bit shabby when guests are going to be spending the night here. * Also, we found a mouse strolling around the kitchen earlier this morning, presumably a gift from the cats to welcome Alison and Hugh. I hope that they haven’t left any more surprises. **  My hero Ally captured the little creature and we gave it a little piece of cheese before setting it free. It was really hungry! James commented darkly, “Now it will know where to come back to if it wants more cheese.”

* Not that our lovely guests Alison & Hugh would ever say such a thing!
** Inevitably, just as we were having dinner, Flora came in through the cat flap with another live mouse in her mouth, and was swiftly intercepted by Ally.

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