Thursday 20 July 2017

Polynesian Spa

We arrived at the famous Rotorua Polynesian Spa mid-afternoon and stayed there until it was dark. I love a spa, and I love being in water outside, and this spa provided both. Although he says that he wouldn't go out of his way to visit one, James is not averse to the occasional spa, luckily for me! The Polynesian Spa is quite a big place and we could choose from various options but we went for the "lake pools" which vary from 36 degrees C to 42 degrees C and overlook Lake Rotorua, which is rather lovely. There are about six different pools of different temperatures which are fed by various springs. The Priest Spring is slightly acidic and is good for aches and pains. The Rachel Spring on the other hand is alkaline and allegedly blesses bathers with "an ageless beauty". No wonder Rotorua's spa retreats have been popular since Victorian times. Hopefully readers will notice a big difference in James' and my agility and good looks on our return to Scotland! 

We drifted around in the warm (or very hot!) waters for hours, as the light dimmed into night and the lights came on, twinkling around the lake. It was very relaxing. Later we strolled from our hotel to the nearby- and aptly named - Eat Street, where we had a tasty dinner in one of its many restaurants. We seem to be more or less used to New Zealand time, with the exception that we both inexplicably wake up at 3 a.m. although we do get back to sleep.

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