Wednesday 5 July 2017

Bonnie bonnie banks

On Friday we went to Carolyn and Euan's wedding. It was a lovely day. Everything about it was perfect, from the bride's dress to the delicious food and excellent band. The wedding took place at a venue called the Cruin, which was really outstanding because it is right on the banks of Loch Lomond. The day was warm and the ceremony took place outside, overlooking the water. It was very moving; Carolyn's Mum gave her away because her  beloved Dad died some years ago. After the ceremony we were all treated to a cruise on Loch Lomond which was great fun. The tables for dinner were all named after stops on the West Highland Way (ours was Bridge of Orchy) and the food had a Scottish theme; I loved the Irn Bru sorbet! During his speech Euan paid tribute to Carolyn's Dad, saying that although they never met he thought that they would have got on well, and that he hoped that her Dad would have approved of him as Carolyn's choice of husband. I wasn't the only person in tears at that point! The people at our table for dinner were fun and it was particularly nice to see Shona, who was a very beautiful bridesmaid, with her gorgeous wee daughter Eva. It goes without saying that Carolyn looked absolutely stunning, and she and her new husband were really happy. At the end of the evening the last song was Runrig's version of Loch Lomond which was a fantastic song as well as very appropriate to the setting. 

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