Saturday 15 July 2017

Dubai transit

A wee blog from Dubai! Yes, at last we are on our way to New Zealand. Friday was a busy day; I had to take Tom to the cattery in the morning which was awful. As soon as he saw the cat carrier he knew what was going to happen and resisted going into it by clinging to me like a toddler. Then he cried in the car all the way to the cattery. I felt so guilty but at least he will be safe. 

My next stop was an overdue trip to the hairdressers, which was rather pleasant and relaxing complete with coffee and tablet. Then I did a shopping for Grandma and took it round to her after also picking up batteries for her hearing aids.,she was in the middle of folding up a washing and she looked really well; she seems to be getting a wee bit stronger every day. 

Back at home (too quiet without Tom) I finished setting up Grandma's care arrangements and emptied the fridges and tidied round. I also had a phone conversation with (my sister) Jennifer during which she again gave me excellent advice - the trust and loyalty that we have are so important. By the time James came home everything was ready. 

Our first flight went smoothly; I watched a film called "Manchester by the Sea" which was watchable but very downbeat and had borrowed heavily from "The Descendants" and Kenneally's "Woman of the Inner Sea." Then I managed to get a couple of welcome hours of sleep. And now we are sitting in our Airbus A380 and will shortly be taking off for our non stop flight to Auckland in New Zealand! We are very lucky to have a row of three seats just for our two selves, so we have lots of room and will attempt to get some more sleep during the flight.

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