Wednesday 26 July 2017

Patagonia ice cream

Monday morning in Queenstown was quite snowy, but that wasn't going to put us off skiing! We went back up to Coronet Peak and Chanel and I had our lesson while the others went off exploring. Again Chanel was really good, however she had some trouble with her boots which Michelle was very helpful in sorting out. By the end of the lesson Chanel was able to take a chairlift and ski down a green / blue run. James, Jamie, Aisling and David joined us for a run later. It was a good ski day all round; the snow eventually gave way to partly blue sky and we saw fantastic views of the lake at Queenstown with mountains beyond. 

After a quick visit to the supermarket, where we stocked up on groceries and toilet rolls, Jamie cooked us a delicious meal of spaghetti bolognese. David provided a bottle of his favourite wine Gert's Blend sparkling Shiraz, which he and Chanel brought from Australia. After dinner we went to Patagonia, a famous ice cream shop recommended by Aisling. It was fantastic! First you choose the flavour of your ice cream, which is on a lolly stick. Then you choose the kind of chocolate that it is dipped in, and finally an extra topping if desired - I chose dark chocolate ice cream dipped in dark chocolate, with toasted coconut topping. The others chose just about every combination possible! It was amazing!

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