Sunday 9 July 2017

Good and bad

It has been a funny old week. There have been lots of good things - well it's great to be on holiday! I have met up with a few people for coffees or lunches which has been lovely, and it has been really good spending time with James this weekend. We went to the cinema last night to see "Despicable Me 3" which James found enormously funny and I found mildly amusing!

However the past week has also been overshadowed by worry about Grandma's health. The doctors have had difficulty getting rid of her infection because she is resistant to many antibiotics. And just when we thought that she was sorted out, her blood pressure has dropped so she has been kept in hospital over the weekend, which has made her very unhappy. One good thing was that we took one of her friends up to visit her on Wednesday evening and they both really enjoyed that. She is looking much more healthy now and we're hoping that she will get home at the beginning of the week. 

The other thing that has been bothering me is back pain. My back has been very sore on the lower left hand side for about a week. I don't know what caused it. I don't usually get a sore back - with the exception of several times in my late thirties - so I certainly didn't expect it, and have treated it as best I could with codeine, ibuprofen, paracetamol and hot & cold pads. Jennifer gave me an exercise to do (lying on back on floor with knees drawn up, feet on floor hip distance apart, head supported by one inch thick book) which has also helped. But the pain has dragged me down; it has been pretty constant. And then last night when I was getting ready for bed, I noticed that the pain had disappeared. I can still feel a sort of "thick" feeling where it was, but it's not sore. How strange. This morning it's still ok. I am pleased but a bit wary, and I will be very careful not to strain it again. 

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