Friday 2 June 2017

Southern Hemisphere

All of my sons are now in the Southern Hemisphere! How amazing is that! Ally and Cat went to New Zealand about a week and a half ago and are now in Dunedin visiting Jamie and Aisling and having a grand time.

Davie and Chanel set off to Australia on Tuesday (they will be meeting us in New Zealand at the end of July). David sent me an amusing text from Rutherglen in Victoria, Australia, saying "Hey, just passing Rutherglen. Want anything from Tesco?", referring of course to the town near us! 

More close to home, I have spent the last two days on a Duke of Edinburgh expedition in the Pentlands. It stayed dry for the whole time, much to my surprise and gratification, because rain had definitely been forecast. The expedition went very well and the pupils all passed their Bronze assessments. I felt a particular sense of responsibility because I planned and organised the routes, as the only member of the team at my current school who has taken expeditions there before. So I was keen for it to go smoothly and indeed it did, and the leaders and pupils all seemed to enjoy the beauty of the area. Back home, James and I sat outside in the garden in the evening sunshine with our furry boy Tom keeping us company. 

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