Monday 5 June 2017

Reunited with Tom

Our flight was only slightly delayed last night so we were home  at about 10 p.m. - just nice time for a cup of tea before bed time. There was no sign of Tom, who must have been out patrolling his territory. However I was woken in the early hours of the morning by Tom jumping about on the bed, purring loudly, and lifting up my hand with his nose to make me pat him! He was so excited that we were back home!

I'm reading a very interesting book at the moment called "A Brief History of Everyone who ever Lived" by Adam Rutherford. It's about genetics and what DNA reveals about our ancestry. Not being in any way scientifically knowledgeable, I'm finding some of it a bit hard to follow, however I am enjoying it. While reading it I realised that James' and my grandparents are all Victorian. Isn't that fascinating that all eight of them were born before 1901 - James said that his grandmother could remember all the houses being draped in black for Queen Victoria's funeral. It explains that family trees are more like spiders' webs than trees, and that if you go back enough generations (about 3000 years I think), every human alive today has a common ancestor. I suppose that if you go back very far, Tom and I will have a common ancestor too! A small creeping thing I expect. 

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