Saturday 24 June 2017

Other people's weans

The end of the school year in June is always a time of mixed emotions for me. There are lots of pleasant activities but this involves disruption to routine that can be very unsettling for some pupils. And some staff too! This week I was on a Duke of Edinburgh expedition for three days from Monday to Wednesday, and on Friday I was supporting a few pupils with ASD on a trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park. So I was out of school for four out of five days. I'm honestly not complaining, but being responsible for other people's weans outside the structured setting of school is quite a responsibility and one which I take extremely seriously. I haven't been to Blair Drummond for years; as far as I recall my last visit was on another school trip about ten years ago. I'm not keen on animals being held in captivity but at Blair Drummond they do have more space than in a zoo. I still wouldn't go there by choice and never used to take the boys to zoos when they were younger. 

There was much excitement, and it was a really good day, but I came home rather exhausted with a fifteen minute turn around time to leave for the airport Because at 6.30 pm we were booked on a flight to Paris! 

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