Sunday 11 June 2017

Sunshine on Loch Insh

Shortly after I finished my last post, James, Alison and Hugh arrived at the Loch Insh Watersports centre. They joined me on the balcony in the sunshine for a cup of coffee and we all enjoyed the views over the loch. It was so warm and pleasant that we chatted for ages before setting off in Alison's car to pick up our car from the other end of our route (our nifty two car arrangement meant that we could undertake a lengthy linear walk without having to retrace our steps). We had parked our car in the capacious car park of the Highland Folk Museum at Newtonmore in the morning. However we hadn't realised that the gates would be locked at closing time, so our car was trapped! It was not inaccessible however, as James and Alison were able to leap over the low wall to retrieve our shoes from the car boot. Hugh had a good go at working out the combination for the padlock on the gate! Luckily, just as we were resigned to returning to fetch it in the morning, the friendly manager arrived to set our car free!

Back at the cottage Alison made us a delicious curry and a most enjoyable evening ensued at the roaring wood fire. 

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