Saturday 17 June 2017


I am blogging from my hammock. James and we have decided to have a nice quiet weekend around the house and garden because we are going to Paris next weekend and I am going on a Duke of Edinburgh expedition from Monday to Wednesday. Needless to say James has been very busy cutting the grass while I have been lazing about. He is now going to bring a deckchair outside to relax in.

The weather is absolutely delightful. It's very sunny but with a nice warm breeze so that it's not too stifling. 

We had lunch sitting outside in my new "love seat" which James gave me for our wedding anniversary in May. It's two wooden seats joined by a wee table - so cute! James and I had a good talk this morning about some important issues and decisions and I have to say that he is a great support to me, and gave me some excellent advice. I was also speaking to Jennifer on the phone who also gave me very sound advice, and we had a lovely chat; I can't wait for our spa weekend in August. I really do appreciate my husband and my sister. 

James is now in his deckchair listening to music on his headphones and reading his book. It's a lovely day. 

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