Sunday 3 April 2016


Yes it's very early and James is driving us to the airport for our 06.30 flight to Italy. We're off skiing for a week to Sestriere, which is a new ski destination for us. It's good to be on our way. I also appear to have had the most sleep out of the four of us last night, which makes me feel rather smug. I had a warm bath in order to make sure that I felt nice and sleepy, then slept from 11 until 4 - five glorious hours. The others were not so lucky; Ally and Davie were later to bed because they were still packing and charging up their many electronic devices, and James was woken by our neighbours' alarm going off at 2.30 am and did not get back to sleep properly. I am wearing my glasses instead of contact lenses because I am planning to get even more sleep on the plane. 

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