Wednesday 6 April 2016

No fog!

We woke up this morning to find a ski resort outside our window! Yes, the fog has gone! We got up nice and early because we were going to Montgenèvre for the day. This involved crossing the border from Italy into  France, which is always good fun on a ski holiday. I really like Montgenèvre, which is a pleasant village strung along a road, with ski slopes on both sides.  It was great to ski in the warm sunshine and the pistes were wide and well-maintained. It has been my best skiing of the week so far. While Ally and Davie took James up some black runs, I found an amazing long piste with stunning views (well, after the last couple of days any views are stunning!) and it was almost completely deserted! Brilliant! We had lunch in a mountain restaurant called Les Terrasses which looked as if it had been built last week, it was so new and pristine, although attractively built in traditional wooden chalet style. The boys went off to ski the Tetras which is the steepest black run in the Via Lattea and then took James to do some more scary stuff while I lingered over a coffee - I'm thinking that four hours of skiing is about enough for me these days. My face is quite pink from the sun even though I was wearing plenty of sun cream. And now I'm back in Sestriere sitting on the balcony of our hotel room looking at the Alpine view, which is still somewhat of a novelty. 

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