Sunday 17 April 2016

A good holiday week

It has been a very good holiday week. I feel as if I have made the most of it. I have done everything I want to do, including a good deal of pottering about in the house; sorting and tidying. I have done a bit of shopping, got my hair cut, attended to one or two routine medical matters, and spent a day in the Borders check pointing a Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition (of which more in the next post). 
One of the highlights of the week was the ELO concert on Tuesday. I was lucky to obtain two tickets and James and I were really looking forward to it. Unfortunately (and more importantly than any concert) James' Mum took ill while we were on holiday last week and by the time we got back she had worsened despite antibiotics. It was a pity that we were away because with my experience of my own Mum's illnesses I would have recognised the signs and got her into hospital sooner; however the doctor finally sent her to the RAH in Paisley on Tuesday and James went there to be with her in the evening. *
So I phoned Ally, who was studying in the University Library and asked if he would like to come to the ELO concert. Never one to turn down a concert, Ally joined us at Lebowski's for a pub tea beforehand. Heather and Ewan were also going to the concert so the five of us had tea together before James headed to Paisley and the rest of us walked down to the Hydro.
At that point Heather and Ewan went to their much superior seats very near the front of the auditorium while Ally and I set off to our seats in the back row of Level 2 - which actually gave us a perfectly good view. Before the concert Heather and I texted each other photos from our locations and Ally, with his fine young eyes, could see them looking round and waving. Heather and I, with our slightly less young eyes, couldn't make each other out at all!
Soon the concert started and I thought it was tremendous. ELO played all the old favourites and the audience were singing along. Two songs that I hadn't heard for a long time were Wild West Hero and Telephone Line, I was surprised that I still knew all the words and I have been singing ELO songs all week since. Rockaria, Don't Bring Me Down, Hold on Tight, Mr Blue Sky - they were all really good. Ally said that he enjoyed it too, although he didn't get up to dance like I did. It was a great evening and even submitting myself to the horrors of public transport on the way home did not take the shine off it. 

* Grandma made a speedy recovery I'm glad to say, and is now recuperating back at home.

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