Saturday 19 March 2016

School Reunion

I was at my school reunion today. The Park School was merged with Laurel Bank in 1996, and was finally bought over by Hutchie in 2001, so it is long gone. However memories linger on and a plucky former pupil called Jenny took on the gargantuan task of arranging this reunion. It was for the whole school rather than just our year group so the ages ranged from ladies in their eighties down to girls in their thirties. It was held at 29 Royal Exchange Square, a so-called private members club which has nothing private about it at all as far as I can see - certainly I have visited it unchallenged on several occasions! 
I soon identified the other members of the "class of 79" and got chatting. I felt a bit strange about meeting people that I hadn't seen for nearly 37 years! I have my own wee group of five former school chums who meet up regularly, but only Libby had wanted to come to the reunion and she was in the "second wave" who were to arrive later. However I needn't have worried. They were a really nice group and we found lots to talk about - it was great fun and they have done really interesting things - there were doctors, advocates, a racehorse breeder, an opera singer, a book illustrator to name but a few. And our children range from their thirties to only ten years old! I also met a lady from the "class of 52" who had been my Aunt Hilary's best friend and my lovely cousin Kari was there with her classmates. It was great but I I found the experience rather overwhelming!
I headed home at tea time while Jennifer went out on the town with the very social "class of 82!" Us 79ers enjoyed ourselves so much that we are planning to meet up again before too long.
However this evening I am socially exhausted!

1 comment:

  1. It was a great afternoon. Some of our year group stayed out afterwards, I got home at 3.30am!
