Sunday 6 March 2016

Mothers' Day Brunch

Mothers' Day when you no longer have a Mum is always a bit strange. However my three beautiful boys all turned up for brunch with us today and that made me feel a lot better. The venue was Bill's in West Nile Street - when we visited Bill's in Southwark three weeks ago we didn't realise that there are about 60 of these restaurants around the UK! So, since we liked it, we chose to go to the Gladgow one today.
It was a really lovely occasion and I was so proud and happy to be with my four favourite boys. Back at the house the boys played a lively tournament of table tennis and we had a relaxing afternoon. The cats napped in the back room, occasionally opening their eyes to watch the boys - I'm sure they also enjoy having them all at home. In the evening we had a curry to round off an excellent day. Jamie is staying with us for a few days but Davie needed to head back to Dundee because he has lectures and labs tomorrow. It wasn't until I gave him a lift to the station that I noticed that he had come home without a jacket - I hated to see him setting off into the cold night without one. Hopefully he is back and cosy in his flat now.

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