Saturday 5 March 2016

Our version of date night

Every year I need to do a navigation day to be validated as a Duke of Edinburgh leader by the council that I work for. I have to demonstrate that I can still use a compass and map to find my way around the hills, and also that I am fit enough to take groups of pupils out on D of E expeditions. 
Work is so busy that I didn't feel I could go on one of the mid week days this year, so I signed up for a Saturday evening night navigation. But it seemed a bit sad to spend a Saturday evening out hill walking while James (who loves walking much more than I do) sat in the house.
So I asked the organisers if he could come and that's why we have just spent the weirdest Saturday night ever, navigating around in the dark using head torches!
We met the rest of the group at Abington Service station; I knew nearly all of them from previous expeditions and events, they are a pleasant crew and we were soon taking turns leading the group, under the diligent and enthusiastic direction of Ray. We walked around the hills just to the east of the M74 there.
We started at about 5.30 p.m. and walked for five full hours - it got dark quickly. It was rough going; we had to be very accurate with timing and taking bearings because we couldn't see very far even with our head torches. Needless to say I took a tumble and went rolling down the hill at one point but luckily I wasn't hurt. It was such a strange way to spend a Saturday evening but we both really enjoyed it. And that's me validated for another year, hooray! 

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