Monday 29 September 2014

Cool things to do in Oslo

That's us home from Norway and havng a cup of tea before bedtime. As I look back on our weekend I must mention the cool places that Ally took us in the evenings.
On Friday we were too tired to go out because of our early start that morning, but on Saturday after dinner Alasdair took us to Andy's Sports Bar on Karl Johann gate. There were big screens where a football match was being shown (Juventus v Atalanta I think) The three of us chatted and watched the football and it was all very pleasant. However when the football finished the resident pianist started playing his repertoire and all the punters started singing along and dancing, it was great fun. The music was mainly 1980s and 90s favourites - Van Morrison, Dire Straits etc so we knew all the words and joined in too. It was a great atmosphere and we could see that the Norwegians know how to enjoy themselves! 
On Sunday evening Ally decided to take us to a jazz club called Blå (pronounced blow) which is beside the river not far from the city centre. I had my doubts about this because I was quite tired and he said that it was standing only. However we went along to give it a try and it turned out to be absolutely amazing. It's just one dark room with an outside bar area and when we arrived the music was in full swing. The band was called Frank Znort and there were about a dozen of them crowded onto the small stage. The music was great and we were all dancing; I don't know anything about jazz but I think it was a mix of styles because lots of the band members took turns singing, and their voices were all really good but different, and I recognised some songs and not others. There was a guy called The Chef who I thought was very good and jazzy in a Cab Calloway sort of way, but they were all brilliant. It was definitely the coolest evening ever! 

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