Sunday 7 September 2014

Ayrshire Air Show 2014

The newly revived Ayrshire Air Show was a triumph yesterday. There were at least 50,000 people there and the organisers must have been relieved and delighted by both the crowds and the beautiful weather. This was the first Prestwick Air Show for 22 years; James and I used to go every year and we were there in 1989 when a Hawker Sea Fury had to ditch into the sea when it's wheels wouldn't go down properly. The pilot parachuted out and was fine.
The air show was small in scale compared to Leuchars Air Show, which ended forever last year much to the lamenting of the Anderson boys! The flying display was only from 2 - 5 instead of all day, and there were no big military planes, it was mostly just wee acrobatic planes, with the finale provided by the Vulcan bomber. However the flying was very good, and the commentators and crowds were enthusiastic and appreciative. The Blades acrobatic formation team were excellent too. The setting of the display over the sea was absolutely beautiful and the planes seemed to come rather alarmingly close to the crowd - I'm sure that they were kept further away at Leuchars.
It was lovely that Jamie was able to be there as well as Davie; only Oslo boy Ally was missing. The whole day was great fun.

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